Acupuncture for Muscles
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of vital energy or qi. Acupuncture is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on the balance and harmony of qi in the body. When qi is blocked or disrupted, it can cause pain, illness, or dysfunction. Acupuncture aims to restore the normal flow of qi and promote the body’s natural healing abilities.
How can acupuncture help with muscles?
Acupuncture can help with various muscle-related issues, such as:
- Muscle spasms and cramps. These are involuntary contractions of muscles that cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. They can be caused by dehydration, overuse, injury, stress, or certain medical conditions. Acupuncture can help relax the spastic muscles, increase blood circulation, and release natural painkillers in the body1.
- Muscle tension and trigger points. These are tight knots or bands of muscle that are tender to touch and cause referred pain to other areas of the body. They can be caused by poor posture, repetitive movements, overuse, stress, or trauma. Acupuncture can help release the trigger points, reduce inflammation, and restore normal muscle function2.
- Muscle injuries and strains. These are tears or damage to the muscle fibers or tendons that connect them to the bones. They can be caused by overstretching, overexertion, trauma, or improper warm-up or cool-down. Acupuncture can help speed up the healing process, reduce swelling and bruising, and prevent scar tissue formation3.
- Muscle weakness and atrophy. These are loss of muscle strength or size due to disuse, aging, nerve damage, or disease. They can affect the ability to perform daily activities and increase the risk of falls and fractures. Acupuncture can help stimulate the nerve endings that control muscle contraction, improve muscle tone and mass, and enhance physical performance4.
What are the benefits of acupuncture for muscles?
Acupuncture for muscles can provide various benefits, such as:
- Significant and lasting pain relief for up to 12 months or longer
- Improved function and quality of life
- Reduced need for pain medications
- Avoidance or postponement of surgery
- Low recovery time and minimal restrictions
How is acupuncture performed for muscles?
Acupuncture for muscles is usually performed by a licensed acupuncturist who has received specialized training in anatomy, physiology, and pathology. The procedure involves the following steps:
- The acupuncturist conducts a thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history, symptoms, and goals.
- The acupuncturist selects the appropriate acupuncture points based on the diagnosis and treatment plan.
- The acupuncturist inserts sterile, disposable needles into the selected points on the skin surface or deeper into the muscles.
- The acupuncturist may manipulate the needles manually or apply electrical stimulation to enhance the effect.
- The acupuncturist removes the needles after 15 to 30 minutes.
The number, location, and depth of needles depend on the type and severity of the muscle condition being treated. The treatment may be repeated once or twice a week for several weeks or months until the desired outcome is achieved.
What are the risks and side effects of acupuncture for muscles?
Acupuncture for muscles is generally safe and well-tolerated when performed by a qualified and experienced acupuncturist. However, some possible side effects include:
- Pain, soreness, or bleeding at the needle site
- Bruising or infection
- Nerve damage or injury
- Allergic reaction to needles or electrical stimulation
These side effects are usually mild and temporary and can be avoided by following the acupuncturist’s instructions before and after the treatment. Patients should also inform their acupuncturist if they have any medical conditions or medications that may affect their response to acupuncture.
How to prepare for acupuncture for muscles?
Before undergoing acupuncture for muscles, patients should:
- Inform their acupuncturist about their medical history, allergies, and medications
- Stop taking blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs as advised by their acupuncturist
- Avoid alcohol or tobacco for at least 24 hours before the treatment
- Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing
- Eat a light meal before the treatment
How to recover from acupuncture for muscles?
After undergoing acupuncture for muscles, patients should:
- Rest for the remainder of the day and avoid strenuous activities
- Apply ice packs to the needle sites as needed for pain or swelling
- Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins
- Follow up with their acupuncturist as scheduled
Patients may experience some pain relief immediately after the treatment, but it may take several sessions for the full effect to occur. Patients should gradually resume their normal activities and physical therapy as tolerated. Patients should also monitor their pain level and report any changes or concerns to their acupuncturist.
Where can I learn more about acupuncture for muscles?
If you are interested in learning more about acupuncture for your muscle issues, you can:
- Talk to your primary care provider or specialist
- Visit these websites for more information: